Bye '22, it was great knowing you! Late season skiing rocks! October 10, 2022Most UK skiers either don't know that skiing continues so late in the season or dismiss the late season as not viable snow wise but I can tell you that...
The Hybrids, new kids on the block? October 10, 2022The idea isn't new. A boot designed to allow uphill motion without much compromise in the downhill phase has been a Unicorn Boot on many skiers wish lists and Boot...
Look Away If You're Queasy! October 10, 2022With a Fused Ankle with zero range of motion, compartment syndrome post injury so lots of muscle atrophy, nerve damage, limited circulation and the foot was subsequently 2 sizes smaller...
Test Test Test and more Test. Oh and Drink! April 20, 2022Some great kit was available and we got through 59 pairs of skis between the two of us over 4 days of testing, so pretty full on.
Back in the saddle and a little sore! February 8, 2022Would still do it all again though - it was sooooo good to be back, look at the smiles on Karla and Richard (Dave never smiles)!